High School Review Part 1
The Hunter Gatherers went around interviewing students from grades 9-11 in Manhattan Hunter Science High School (MHSHS)! Take a look at what the students say about their student life at MHSHS!
Out of all the classes they can take, the freshmen class voted Analytical Geometry and Trigonometry (AGT) as the hardest course. The main reasons provided were the intense workload and the difficulty in remembering equations and formulas. Here are some responses from the freshmen students when asked which class they considered the most challenging:
“Math. Agt. A lot of people complain about the workload, but I don’t really mind it much. I personally just struggle with Math; I have since elementary school. There are different things every unit; it's difficult for me to remember equations.” - Student 1
“Agt because there is a lot of workloads.” - Student 5
The second most difficult class considered by the freshmen class was Pre-AP English 9 with Ms. Cordova. The main reason provided was the amount of homework she gives and how time-consuming it can be to complete it. Here are some of the responses gathered from the freshmen students:
“English 9. Her classwork is pretty easy, but her homework—she gives a lot of it. It’s really just the amount of time it takes to complete it.” - Student 5
Class of 2026
Collected by Kiran Srikant
What are the most challenging classes that are considered among your grade-level peers?
Class of 2025
Collected by Divya Darshanprashad
What are the most challenging classes that are considered among your grade-level peers?
In my sophomore year, the most common class that was mentioned was AP World History. Considering this is a mandatory AP class and the first students take, there is bound to be a learning curve due to the differing course structure. Students informed me that their hardest class was AP world, not because of the structure of the class as they say, “ The class is well thought out and the chapters and readings are well structured”. The problem area arises, in the way an AP class expects students to write and contextualize. AP courses are known to be more challenging for students as they expect a higher level of thinking. An example of this can be seen in another student's words, “ When it comes to the material you are consuming, it is expected that you remember and understand it right away. As well as being able to connect ideas to documents with no sources. It can be very challenging at first.” Another surprise in this course came in the way the tests are formulated, as the multiple choice questions are not similar to what students are used to. As a student restated,“ The multiple choice is based more on how well you can understand the documents presented to you, and how well you can connect it to bigger ideas. All the other tests I’ve been presented with have been reliant on facts or details of the course homework or the lessons. While this is more on how well you can use a new piece of information loosely based on patterns you see in the past lessons.” Which can be a challenging switch for students.
Another common choice for the most challenging class was AP Biology, and this falls more into the struggles of taking AP courses in 10th grade. As they say, it’s a very interesting course, with a lot of information to understand, so it can be hard to fully understand concepts within the given time in class. Many students go to review the information after school, or during 4th period lunch, with this additional help, the sophomores taking this class can do better with information retention. According to a Student, “ I have to go to many of the meetings, to really understand the information, as well as a lot of studying for the tests. The class itself is fine and is taught well, it just seems to me that it’s a lot of commitment and time that you have to sacrifice to understand the material.” There are not a lot of sophomores taking AP Bio currently, so with the introduction of AP courses this year, and some students taking 2, they may need more time to study and may struggle with time management.
Lastly, Algebra 2 was mentioned as another hard class, where students seem to struggle under the workload. For these students, there are often exit tickets and Delta Math on top of the lesson homework. This does provide more for students to practice skills in class but the workload can become overwhelming at times when paired with other classes. As a student says, “Whenever I need a review on a particular lesson, I can use the EmathInstruction videos, which go over the lessons.” The class can be challenging with the equations and long units, which can be a lot to study for. In the end, this class is just a struggle at some points due to the concepts and the combined workload.
Out of all the classes mentioned, the one that was the most challenging was APUSH, not so much because of the difficulty of the content but due to the workload. Most people find the curriculum interesting and enjoy learning about US history from a more in-depth and different perspective. Most students interviewed thought it was an AP class; the workload was just heavier. In fact, some students mentioned that since it is a lot of information, it’s more work to keep it. It's difficult to be on top of the workload and the course in general. One would have to do extra reading. This may have led to some strong opinions that it is a lot of stress, even for an AP course, perhaps because they feel pressured to be on top of everything.
It has shown this common theme of stress and difficulty because of AP courses in other students' answers. Although APUSH was the most prevalent answer, AP Biology is second in the running for the most challenging classes because of the readings and workload. Some students say that the readings themselves aren’t the problem, it’s just hard to read them and focus on them. AP Biology specifically is known for being heavier on the information that needs to be memorized rather than just the concept understood, rendering it to be one of the more challenging classes for people who are not good at memorization, as well as people who struggle to get started on readings.
Last but not least, students mentioned AP Language a few times as one of the most challenging classes, however, those that mentioned it said that it was challenging because of the more critical writing expected in the short time. Many students who did not mention AP Language said that although it could be challenging in class, there was not much homework, which made it feel less heavy for them.
Class of 2024
Collected by Frida Rivera
What are the most challenging classes that are considered among your grade-level peers?
In each release, we have a few Hunter-Gatherers Writers write about advice that they would give to students! Take a look below.
Advice #1
Written By Divya Darshanprashad
How should students take care of themselves?
At Manhattan Hunter Science, as students, we’re well aware that the workload can become overwhelming at points, and it can be easy to end up feeling burned out. It’s very important to be taking breaks for yourself because you can get lost in your work. Some signs and symptoms of burnout include: a lack of motivation, feeling tired despite sleeping, an increase in bad habits, and even increased pain and sickness. These stem from students overworking themselves, which can have a great negative effect on mental, physical, and emotional health. The first step to combat this would be to focus on the prevention of burnout.
The University of the People lists 10 main ways to combat burnout, such as making time for enjoyable activities, getting plenty of physical exercises, enjoying the outdoors, making time for social activities, creating bonds with teachers, starting to work towards reasonable goals, avoiding procrastination, improving time management, rethinking your schedule and finally creating a healthy balance of school work and life. These are all crucial to avoiding burnout because, with the necessary changes, the workload can become more bearable. When you make more time for fun activities, it serves as important downtime for yourself and the stress of deadlines. Spending time outdoors also has a similar positive effect, where you can refresh yourself. Physical activity can also help because burnout can also be present in sore muscles and aches. With exercise, not only are you getting dopamine, but you are also re-energizing your body. When you create bonds with teachers, it can make the learning process more fun and can help you focus more.
As for avoiding procrastinating and improving your time management, it seems very obvious, yet many people can be left trying to catch up due to it. Burnout can be avoided, but only by being aware of the symptoms and how to combat them.