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College Reviews Part 3

Emily Cordova | Karen Lin | Yuxin Chen | Kehinde Ayinde 

Four Class of 2023 students came together to write about their senior experience. Manhattan Hunter Science High School provides MHSHS seniors with an academic year at the Hunter College Campus while taking college courses. Take a look at what they have to say about their high school in-college experience!


Photo By MHSHS  Media Club

What is something about the Hunter College experience that you think could be changed to be more beneficial for rising and future seniors?

By Emily Cordova

The Hunter College experience is meant to introduce students to the way of college life that they are soon going to be a part of. It is a trial-and-error process that Hunter students are given to learn how to act, manage their time, and structure their days. Part of the Hunter College experience is also the January intersession we have, designed to focus on the research paper that each student is required to write. You choose your niche topic and receive help on how to write the research paper. However, many students came to the consensus that we had one month of research to do on restricted time. It would have been more beneficial to receive lessons and templates on how to write different parts of the research paper to aid us in the writing process, which is the hardest part. All in all, the Hunter College experience is really helpful in allowing you a glimpse into college life. Through the independence and freedom you are given, you learn how to structure your responsibilities and academics. 

As the months seem to be dwindling till Graduation, assignments have slowed down but it's not over yet. We have major projects or assignments that still have to be done, one of them being our presentation. Being in Hunter’s Campus has become a part of my daily routine. My friends and I have explored more of the amenities in comparison to before just sitting in the library on the 5th or 6th floor, like the gym and north buildings dance studios. It's still super crowded during the week on Wednesday in the late afternoons. 

College classes are an uphill battle depending on the teacher you have. For me personally, it’s difficult as tests are 90% of your grade. Therefore, it's important to stay on track and make sure you complete the necessary studying for your exams. At the same time, college decisions brought many feelings of both excitement and disappointment among me and my friends. In the end, you’ll be where you need to end up; don’t worry too much about the process just prepare yourself for the journey. Our teachers are supportive and informative on giving us advice and viewing our financial situations for the schools we got into. In all, the college life at Hunter for me has taught me time management, prioritization, and balancing school, my personal life, and my outside commitments.

What is something about the Hunter College experience that you think could be changed to be more beneficial for rising and future seniors?

By Kehinde Ayinda

What is something about the Hunter College experience that you think could be changed to be more beneficial for rising and future seniors?

By Yuxin Chen

The Hunter College experience is a lot to explore. The students are given many new opportunities like the ones that are given to actual college students. With that comes the hardship of dealing with college classes. College courses are way more different than high school courses and their expectations are also fairly high. Learning how to study and pass a college course is a whole new experience. Students will often have to find a different studying method than the one they’re often used to throughout their high school life. I think what would be more beneficial is for seniors to have more guidance from the teachers in how to navigate their college courses. It would also help students in their future college classes. 

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